Survey: Parents Report Negative Effects of Daylight Saving Time on Kids

Moms and Dads Dread Time Change

Daylight Saving Time might signal the beginning of spring, but for many parents, it also means bedtime battles with kids who are knocked out of their regular sleep routine. The Better Sleep Council has solutions.

While Daylight Saving Time brings the gift of more light in the evening, it also has the effect of wreaking havoc with children’s bedtimes and sleep routines, which in turn frustrates parents. According to a recent survey from the BSC, 29% of all parents reported they disliked this spring time change.

Time bomb

Half of all parents say that Daylight Saving Time affects their kids and 29% feel that the change makes it harder to get their kids to sleep. For kids who have trouble sleeping after the time change, 34% of their parents say it takes two or more days to get their children back into a routine, while 31% report it takes six days or more. That is a long, exhausting week for parents who themselves are tired from the change.

Parental perspectives

32% of moms are more likely to feel their kids’ sleep is disturbed after Daylight Saving Time, compared to 22% of dads. Stay-at-home and unemployed parents also notice the difference more, with 36% feeling the time change impacts their children, as opposed to 25% of parents who work full-time. 37% of parents who use childcare notice sleep issues with their kids related to the time change, while only 25% of those who do not use childcare report this.

Dreams deferred

Helping children get enough sleep is a concern many parents face. 24% of parents report they think their children don’t sleep enough in general. And 48% of the parents whose kids don’t get enough sleep note that it is at the very least somewhat frustrating to get their kids to go to sleep on a typical night. Parents of tweens and teens are even more likely to feel frustrated about this.

So long slumber

Parents who believe their kids don’t enough sleep on a regular basis are more likely to notice a difference in children’s sleep when the time changes. 37% of those same parents report a problem with their child’s sleep after the seasonal change, while 25% of parents who normally say their children get enough sleep also see a problem at this time.

Tips for tuck-ins

Don’t let Daylight Saving Time cause family drama. These tips will help your kids get back into their regular sleep pattern after the time change goes into effect:

  • Sneak up on sleep. In the week before the time change, try to put your kids to bed 15 minutes earlier each night to help them gradually get used to the time change.
  • Steps to slumber. Your kids likely already have a bedtime routine. Stick with it and consider adding an extra step or two like reading a book together or having them take a warm bath or shower to help relax before bed.
  • Eat like an early bird. Avoid feeding your kids heavy meals at least 2 to 3 hours before bed. Eating too close to bedtime can interfere with sleep quality.

Survey Details: Better Sleep Council April 2017

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