Mattress Education

Better sleep starts here. Explore a variety of educational resources to help you spend less time counting sheep and more time catching z’s.

Mattress Sizes

Learn what factors you should consider when choosing the right mattress for you.

Mattress Types

Explore different types of mattresses to find your perfect sleep.

Better Sleep Council Couple sleeping on bed

Choosing a Mattress

Browse our list of helpful tips for researching, comparing and testing mattresses.

Replacing a Mattress

Find out when to replace your mattress and the best way to do it.

Caring for a Mattress

Help your mattress live a long life by following these tips.

Mattress Disposal

Learn when to dispose of your mattress, how to prepare it, and where to toss it.

Better Sleep Council Recycling bin and bed

Mattress Accessories

Take your sleep to the next level with
these add-ons.

Adjustable Beds

Discover how an adjustable bed can give you the flexibility you need to sleep better.

for a Mattress?

Take the Better Bed Quizz before you start your mattress shopping journey.


View our latest research to see how Americans are sleeping.


Contact our sleep experts with questions about industry trends, news and more.