Back-to-school season is upon us, and with it comes a mix of nerves and excitement for both parents and kids. As the school bags are packed and pencils sharpened, it’s important to remember that a key ingredient for a successful start to the academic year is often overlooked: quality sleep. Amidst the hustle and bustle of new schedules and routines, ensuring your child gets the right amount of rest is crucial for a successful academic year.
Sleep and Learning: Role of Sleep in Children’s Success
Think of sleep as the secret ingredient to children’s success. While they snooze, their brains are hard at work, building bridges of memory and sharpening problem-solving skills. Adequate quality sleep isn’t just about feeling refreshed; it’s the unsung hero behind better attention spans, emotional resilience, and moments of brilliance in the classroom.
Back-to-School Sleep
During summer break, sleep schedules often loosen and bedtimes become more flexible. It’s a well-deserved time for kids to recharge and rejuvenate. However, as the early morning school bell beckons, you might want to start thinking about how you can help your child’s body clock reset for the upcoming challenges. The key is to make this transition gradual and smooth. Instead of a sudden switch from late nights to early mornings, consider adding these these healthy sleep habits for kids into your family’s nighttime routine:
Bedtime Increment: Begin with slight shifts to earlier bedtimes each night. Aim for a 15-30 minute adjustment every few days. This gentle approach can help avoid sudden disruptions to your child’s sleep routine.
Morning Exposure: Expose your child to natural morning light as soon as they wake up. This exposure helps regulate their internal clock, signaling that it’s time to get up and start the day.
Consistent Wake-Up Time: Encourage your child to wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Consistency reinforces the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle.
Limiting Evening Activities: Gradually reduce stimulating activities closer to bedtime. Dim the lights, lower the noise level, and engage in calming activities that prepare the mind and body for rest.
Tech-Free Transition: Create a tech-free zone an hour before bedtime. The blue light emitted by screens can interfere with the production of sleep-inducing melatonin, making it harder for kids to fall asleep.
This transition isn’t all about adjusting sleep schedules; it’s about setting the tone for the school year ahead. By embracing these gradual changes, you’re not only helping your child’s body clock adjust but also instilling healthy sleep habits that will serve them well throughout their academic journey.
Sleep Deprivation and School Performance
We know that a nutritious breakfast is essential for children’s performance in the classroom, but did you know that sleep and academic success are also connected? Sleep deprivation is like facing the school day on an empty stomach. Both sleep deprivation and food insecurity affect concentration, mood, memory, and motor skills, all essential functions necessary for children to be successful in school.
William Kohler, MD, former medical director of the Florida Sleep Institute and American Association of Sleep Medicine (AASM) pediatric sleep expert, noted that “a student’s performance in the classroom is dictated by the amount of sleep he or she gets the night before.” Specifically, “a teen who regularly gets enough sleep will have improved academic performance and test scores, a positive attitude towards their education, and be able to better interact socially with their peers and teachers. Students can also remember better what they learned if they get a good night’s sleep after learning the task. Sleep deprivation, on the other hand, increases the incidence of academic failure, worse test taking, depression, and behavioral problems.”
To help students get the quantity and quality of sleep necessary for learning, Dr. Kohler recommended that parents “enforce appropriate bedtime hours and a healthy sleep environment to ensure at least nine to 10 hours of quality sleep, depending on the age of the student.” By prioritizing these measures, parents can actively contribute to their child’s readiness for a successful journey through the school year.
Stress Management and Back-to-school Sleep
School isn’t just about learning math and science; it’s also about learning how to manage stress. From tests and exams to friendships and social interactions, kids and teens encounter an array of stressors that can take a toll on their well-being. Amidst these challenges, sleep emerges as a powerful tool in their stress-fighting arsenal. Beyond incorporating relaxation techniques before bedtime, such as deep breathing or gentle stretches, the connection between sleep and stress management offers even more benefits.
Quality sleep serves as a buffer against the impact of stress. Here’s how:
Emotional Resilience: Just as a rested body is better equipped to ward off illness, a well-rested mind is more resilient against stress. Getting that much-needed back-to-school sleep bolsters emotional stability, enabling kids to navigate new-school-year challenges with greater composure and adaptability.
Enhanced Problem Solving: Sleep is like a mental reset button, strengthening cognitive functions essential for effective problem-solving. When well-rested, children can approach stressors with a clear and strategic mindset, devising solutions rather than succumbing to overwhelming emotions.
Stress Hormone Regulation: Sleep plays a key role in regulating stress hormones like cortisol. Inadequate sleep disrupts the cortisol balance, leading to heightened stress responses. Prioritizing quality sleep helps maintain a healthier hormonal balance, ensuring stress levels don’t spiral out of control.
Memory and Learning: Sleep supports memory consolidation and information processing, both integral components of effective learning. By enhancing these cognitive processes, sleep can play a positive role in academic performance, fostering a smoother learning experience and alleviating school-related stress.
From sharper focus to improved memory, prioritizing your child’s back-to-school sleep now sets the stage for a successful academic year ahead. So, while you’re packing lunches and managing schedules, make sure a good night’s sleep is at the top of your to-do list.
Ready to give your kid the edge they need? Dive into a world of sleep wisdom and resources at
After all, well-rested kids make for well-equipped learners!