What Your Sleeping Position Says about Your Personality

Your Favorite Sleep Position Could Say a Lot about You

Body language can reveal plenty about our inner selves and personalities, even when we’re asleep.

Sleep positions and personality

If you’re born under the sign of Taurus, you’re likely to be determined. (Okay, stubborn.) And if you’re the only child, you’re probably independent. (Okay, selfish.) But do you know what your sleeping position says about your personality? Research has found that the body language you have in your sleep often relates to personality traits you portray when you’re awake. Let’s explore six common sleep positions and what they might mean about our inner selves.

1. Fetal

Sleeping in this position can imply introversion, sensitivity and shyness, and a desire to protect oneself. People who sleep in this position are known to be tough on the outside, but big softies on the inside. BTW: This is the most common sleep positon reported in a nationwide survey.

According to WebMD, the fetal position is a pretty safe way to doze off, because it allows your spine to rest in its natural alignment.

2. The Log

Lying on your side with your arms by your sides may be a sign that you can just “roll” with whatever life offers. You’re a social butterfly, according to the UK’s Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service. Log sleepers are thought to be friendly, carefree, trusting and popular, but are also known to be quite gullible. Plus, according to a Better Sleep Council survey, log sleepers are more likely to consider themselves to be healthy.

Sleeping on your side (like in the log position) is recommended, because you’re able to rest more comfortably and it reduces the likelihood of interrupted sleep.

3. The Yearner

If you sleep on your side with your arms stretched out in front of you, as if reaching for something, you are likely to be a bit complicated – open-minded, yet cynical; and slow and suspicious when making decisions. Like you’re always grasping for the right answers. However, once your mind is made up, you stick to it.

A position like this is encouraged for those suffering from back or hip pain.

4. The Soldier

If you sleep on your back with your arms by your sides, we salute you. Soldier sleepers are probably quiet and reserved. People who sleep in this position also tend to hold themselves and others to high standards and are more likely to say they sleep this way because it has medical benefits.

If you sleep on your side or stomach, you’ve probably noticed creases on your face when you wake up. According to John Hopkins Medicine, this can lead to breakouts or wrinkles. Sleeping on your back is a good way to avoid unwanted changes in the skin.

5. The Starfish

Do you sprawl out over the entire bed when you sleep, comfortable and carefree? You might think this makes you a bed hog, but really, starfish sleepers tend to be selfless, giving people. They are always eager to lend a hand to a friend in need and are known to be good listeners.

Starfish sleepers may sleep on their backs or bellies. If you experience back pain, consider placing a good pillow or rolled-up towel under your knees to align the natural curve of your spine.

6. The Freefaller

If you sleep on your stomach with your arms wrapped around your pillow and head turned to the side, you are likely to be bold and highly social, but don’t have very thick skin when it comes to taking criticism or dealing with intense or absurd situations. A Better Sleep Council survey found that introverts reported having a strong aversion to this sleep position.

If you do sleep on your stomach, use an extremely soft pillow or none at all, so your neck won’t be at an awkward angle.

Well, hopefully you’ve learned a little more about yourself – or had a good laugh. Remember that no matter what sleep position you choose, establishing good sleep habits and setting up your bedroom for sleep will help you get the quality zzz’s you are seeking.

Sleep positions and personality go hand-in-hand. Discover what your favorite sleep position could say about you. #BSCSleepTips @BetterSleepOrg


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