Survey: Men vs. Women. Who’s Better in Bed?

Sleep Habits of Men vs. Women During Better Sleep Month

In the epic battle of the sexes, who comes out on top when it comes to sleep? The Better Sleep Council (BSC) conducted a study with the aim of figuring out who’s better in bed. Generally, both sexes have an overall understanding that sleep is important to health and wellness, but key findings from this study discovered that men reign supreme in bed, compared to women. However, both have room to improve.

Men earn bragging rights when it comes to bedtime performance

When focusing on specific habits that contribute to a good night’s sleep, men stood out in the bedroom.

  • Men have a strict bedtime that they follow daily – even on the weekends
    • Men (14%) are more likely to say this than women (8%)
  • 16% of men are more likely than women to feel refreshed almost all the time after waking up
  • Men claim to be better in bed than women
    • 10% of men rate the quality of their sleep as excellent in comparison to 6% of women who believe they get excellent quality sleep
  • Almost a quarter (22%) of men are more likely than women to say that they never have a caffeinated beverage past noon

Women need a tad more practice in bed

Women tend to place a higher priority on sleep than men do, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t need a little help in the bedroom.

  • Women are more likely to be stressed about getting enough sleep and making it count
    • Almost a quarter of women (23%) feel as if their stress level is higher than most people they know, compared to men (16%)
  • Women find that the more in bed, the merrier, whereas more men than women report sleeping alone.
    • 20% of women are more likely than men to sleep with their pets
    • 15% of women are more likely than men to say that they sleep with their partner, kids, pets, etc.
  • Women are less likely than men to drink before bed
    • 60% of women say they rarely/never drink alcohol before going to sleep, compared to nearly half of men who say the same (47%)
  • More women than men report having problems in bed.
    • Almost half of women (40%) are more likely than men to occasionally have trouble going to sleep and/or staying asleep, more often than they would like
  • Women want to stay in bed longer than men do
    • 12% of women are more likely to hit their snooze buttons on their alarms several times before getting out of bed, compared to 6% of men

Both men and women are satisfied by getting quality sleep

This is where men and women see eye-to-eye when it comes to “doing it” in the bedroom.

  • Almost half of respondents claim they can “do it” for 7-8 hours
    • 44% of all respondents are getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night
  • Over half of American adults (60%) have a mattress that’s less than 7 years old
  • 77 million American adults (24%) claim they have no electronics in their bedroom, not even a television


Survey Details: Better Sleep Council May 2018

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